Electron JS development essentials – Things You Know 2024

You’d probably be happy to utilize Electron JS for desktop app creation, as it spares you from the necessity to write a lot of complex code for various platforms, and is easy to develop and manage. 

Check the Electron JS development service to see how to quickly implement the framework in your business. Now, let’s examine how it works, when it is necessary, which drawbacks are present, and how to evaluate the developer’s performance.

How it works

It is a JavaScript framework, somewhat similar to React, which enables desktop app creation. As it is open-source, everyone can access and download it on GitHub. As you can suppose from this comparison, developing using it is similar to web development. Languages and workflows with the framework will be almost the same. You’ll use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build an app’s scaffold, style, and interactivity.

It utilizes Node.js technology, a popular expansion of JavaScript, combining it with Chromium to realize the web-like development of desktop apps. See how this scheme is realized on a simple diagram below.


Creating on Electron JS is simple and straightforward. You need to examine several tutorials, which are easy to find, and become proficient in JavaScript to start developing and managing other developers in your team. One of the most important parts is that the framework helps you with packaging and installations, which are tiresome parts of the apps’ maintenance.

When to select it

There are three primary reasons why it is so deeply loved, even despite all its drawbacks:

  • It is very straightforward and easy to use. Usually, to realize a desktop app, you’ll need a bunch of languages: C, C++, C#, Objective C for Mac users, and probably more. In the case of Electron JS, all these languages are already included in the framework and will be used to set up your app.
  • It enables the creation of user-centered apps with excellent UI/UX, which is one of the most crucial parts of any application which wants to be customer-oriented. Even app’s critics admit that this function of the framework is especially powerful. 
  • It facilitates the app’s building and installation after the code is written, making their release and updating much easier. The image below shows WhatsApp’s installation as an example on a Mac computer.
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So, in most cases, you can consider it as a viable option to realize your app. Especially if no complex solutions will be implemented. The framework will make your development and app management much easier and the result will be customer-oriented and easy to use as well.

When to avoid

There are several drawbacks of Electron JS. Due to them, there are cases when you’d better avoid its usage. Actually, the framework has a pretty spoiled reputation among some developer communities: they say that it uses more system resources and its solutions are clumsy. However, people continue to use it, again and again, even despite resenting these problems! Probably, it shows the framework’s robustness even more than its benefits.

Still, let’s see its drawbacks and elucidate these cases:

  • You need a large and complex app that will combine many various features. Such an app developed on Electron JS will probably consume memory heavily, being inefficient.
  • You need your app to be lightweight: the apps developed there will probably occupy more memory, which is the price for being cross-platform. They can work on various platforms simultaneously and, therefore, must contain a bunch of additional code, to enable them to do this. Especially in connection with the previous point, the usage of the framework will probably lead to complex and weighty apps, which is not always acceptable.

So, if your app needs to be too large or too complex, you’d better choose another framework. To make the final decision, you can easily consult with the development agency.

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Apps examples

There are plenty of them, and some are already familiar to you. As you see, many social and design apps have desktop clients, built by utilizing Electron JS. You can see and evaluate the well-known examples in the table below.

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Cost estimates

To understand how much you should invest in your desktop app development, let’s consider essential factors which influence it:

  • Labor cost is the most important part. For the development, you need designers, developers, and project managers: their work hour typically starts from $10 for freelancers from developing countries and can be $100/hour or more.
  • Features necessary for your app determine how much time the development will take and, thus, the total cost.
  • Research to implement new features, technologies, or business strategies, including QA testing, performance measuring, and working with feedback. If you want to implement something new, you must consider these expenses, too.

See the code sample from the official site to see which elements are used and evaluate what you’ll need for the development.


Therefore, you need to invest in various aspects of app development. The foremost one is the payment to people who will be developing it with you. So, let’s see where and how you can search for them!

Electron JS developers

What must you consider when choosing a developer, and where to search? About the latter question, the answer is quite simple: search for freelancers, do some networking, and search for personal acquaintances when possible.

  • For the freelance approach, Upwork, Freelancer, arc.dev, and turing.com are good examples. The first two are general-aim freelance websites, while the latter ones are dedicated to computer programming in particular.
  • To find connections, use LinkedIn and communicate about the cooperation. If your project is prospective, you can find a lot of support here and, possibly, developers who will be happy to join you.
  • You can enter various developer communities on Facebook or find them offline. There, if you’ll communicate to them the main points and goals of your project, you have a chance to interest some of them, and they will join your team.
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Which aspects of the developer you should consider to be sure that they will complete your task? At first, let them accomplish a small test task, as you should see whether they will be able to work with your team and develop your specific features.

Communication between designers, developers, and project managers is essential here. As you’ve seen, Electron JS development consists of various aspects, as shown in the diagrams above. It’s crucial that your candidate will be open to teamwork.


Electron JS is certainly worth considering if you plan to develop a desktop application for your company. However, if the application needs to be large and perform many functions, it can be inefficient due to a large system resource usage. In the case your app must be rich with features, especially complex, you’d better choose another framework. 

In other cases, it is an excellent option, as the development with its usage is quick and efficient, and the maintenance and the updating are automatized and easy. To find a developer, you can use freelance websites, social networks, or developer communities, where you’ll present your project to them. The two most important things to consider are whether they can work with your team and become familiar with your product and its features.

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